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The Creed of Imam al-TaHAwI with Shaykh Salaheldin Idlbi
Friday May 10 - Sunday May 12, 2019 || 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM || Al Rashid Mosque (13070 113 St NW)
We are grateful to Masjid Al Fatima for bringing Mawlana Salaheldin Idlbi to Edmonton. Shaykh Salaheldin Idlbi is from Aleppo, Syria. He obtained a Doctorate in Islamic Studies and Hadith in 1980 from Dar al-Hadith El-Hassania Institute in Morocco. He has taught in a number of prestigious Universities in the Hijaz.
Shaykh Salaheldin will be teaching an introductory class on The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi, at the Al Rashid Mosque after Asr prayers (6:00 PM). Classes will be in Arabic, and translated into English. Shaykh Salaheldin will also be speaking at the Masjid Al Fatima fundraising dinner, on Saturday May 11 at the Aria Banquet Hall at 7:00 PM.
Two-Day Intensive: Science of the End of Times with Shaykh Ahmed Saad
Thursday November 29 & Friday November 30, 2018 || 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM || U of A CAB, Room 243
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ spoke about signs that would indicate the coming of the Day of Judgement, but how important is this knowledge to the way we live our lives? Should we be fearful of what is to come, or should our study lead us to be hopeful? Join us for a two-day intensive with Shaykh Ahmed Saad, who will guide us through this often difficult and misunderstood subject. We will be using Habib Abu Bakr Al-Mashhur’s pioneering work, An-Nubdhah As-Sughrah, translated into English by Shaykh Ahmed Saad himself. No registration is required. All are welcome to join!
A Blessed Visit: Shaykh Abdullah El-Haddad
Friday October 5 - Monday October 8, 2018 || Calgary & Edmonton
We are excited and happy to invite you to visit Shaykh Abdullah El-Haddad, who will be visiting Canada from Fes, Morocco. He will be in Calgary & Edmonton for a series of gatherings of remembrance.
Shaykh Abdullah el-Haddad is a master of the inward and outward sciences of Islam. He was classically trained in Islamic sciences from the world’s oldest university, the Qarawiyyin. He spent decades as an inspector, supervisor and teacher for the ministry of education in Morocco. He was given permission to take students according the Shadhili tariqa by his teacher Shaykh Ali al-Budaylami, a direct student of the great reviver of the Shadhili tariqa, Shaykh Ahmed al-Alawi.