JOIN US in sending Peace & blessings on the BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ
Every time you send a singular salam on the Noble One ﷺ, Allah sends ten salams back to you. Even if you combined the worth of every act of worship performed in your entire lifetime, it could never compare to one salam from Allah. This is one (of many) reasons why many of our scholars have said the best act of worship is sending Salawat on the Excellent One ﷺ
Join us in uniting our hearts in the remembrance of Allah and His Blessed Messenger ﷺ. Make a pledge to recite a salutation on the Chosen One ﷺ and encourage your loved ones, family members, and friends to join too! Let us fill our homes and communities with the name of Allah’s Beloved Messenger ﷺ
Strengthening Our Salawat: Rabi-ul-Awwal Challenge
We invite you to Strengthen your Salawat by pledging to send extra salutations on the Blessed One ﷺ during the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal! Join with your brothers and sisters to fill our hearts, homes, and communities with blessings and love of Muhammed ﷺ
RABI-Ul-awwal salutation
This month, we invite you to pledge to recite one of the most common salutations on the Prophet ﷺ. You can find below the Arabic version of the recitation, alongside the transliteration, translation, and audio recording.
“اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد”
Allahuma Sali 'Ala Sayidina Muhammed
Oh Allah, Send Your Blessings Upon Our Prophet Muhammed
Make a Pledge & Join the Challenge